
The Hollybush, Redbourn, Herts. AL3 7DU has live Trad Jazz every Wednesday afternoon 1-3pm - free entry.
Good food, beer and soft drinks served.

Live music at the Garden City Brewery Letchworth, usually on the last Wednesday of the month, See their website for details.


Letchworth Arts and Leisure Group have over 140 groups and events including arts and music. See their home page for details.


The Jazz Guide publishes a list of live, mainly traditional, gigs and jazz breaks / holidays.
See the link below for more info on jazz events nationwide or to receive a monthly copy by post.



JAZZ ON ( internet) RADIO:
Sound of Spitfire, the Internet radio station, now has a regular Monday evening jazz show by English drummer John Petters.
Tune in on Monday night at 7pm (approximately, the show sometimes starts a bit late!)  repeated at 2pm Wednesdays and 1am Thursday. Playing traditional New Orleans style jazz and music, mostly but not exclusively, from the 20s and 30s..Here’s the link to listen to Sound of Spitfire :
For more information on the station itself see:

There is now a weekly double helping of Now You Has Jazz,Jazz, Jazz. The usual slot on the Sound of Spitfire remains unchanged and this will carry the new weekly shows. In addition the specialist Jazz channel,Chilli Jazz Radio is running archived JP shows from 2021, at 8pm on Saturdays and 2pm Sundays. Please support both stations, which are trying to promote our music.

See a video of  the late John Wurr leading his all star Louis Armstrong band at the Keswick festival, with Rico Tomasso and Colin Bowden:
